Test-Workout protocol.
Price: Price negotiable for institutions.
Payment is in advance.
12x100 Zona 1@1:30 + 8x100 Zona 2 @2:00 + 4x100Zona 3 @20"/3:00
Comprehensive diagnosis of the aerobic zone of swimmers.
Biomechanical analysis and metrics of the phases and structures of Swimming styles using the Triton Wear platform.
Analysis of the behavior of the heart rate per minute and the respiratory rate in addition to the sensation and body expression of the effort during the test-workout using the Polar platform.
Biochemical analysis of Lactate in blood for each of the Zones evaluated to define the exponential equation of the Lactate curve and its relationship with the average time in each 100 and swimming speed.
tests are performed and a complete report is delivered with analysis and recommendations for aerobic training speeds in END 1, 2 and 3 for the next macrocycle, the most important tool for coaches and swimmers.
Contact us and we will schedule the two Test sessions in your Pool or in another location.
Protocolo del Test-Workout.
Precio: Price negotiable for institutions.
Payment is in advance.
Diagnostico integral de la Zona Aerobica de los nadadores.
Analisis biomecanicos y de las metricas de las fases y estructuras de los estilos de Natacion usando la plataforma de Triton Wear.
Analisis del comportamiento de la frecuencia cardiaca por minuto y la frecuencia respiratoria ademas de la sensacion y expresion corporal del esfuerzo durante el test-workout usando la plataforma de Polar.
Analisis bioquimico del Lactato en sangre para cada una de las Zonas evaluadas para definir ecuacion exponencial de la curva de Lactato y su relacion con el tiempo average en cada 100 y la velocidad de nado.
The scientific information on the use of Lactate measurements to achieve the true training zones in Swimming is immense and one of the most validated tests is the Madder Step Test where the exponential curve of swimming speed is obtained with reference to behavior. of Lactate and from the results, the training zones of each swimmer are inferred according to the information that 4 mmol/l is the aerobic threshold of energy metabolism.
In recent months, as a result of the protocol for 8x100, 8x200 and 4x400, lactate measurements are numerous and sometimes swimmers do not mobilize by not running or swimming at the appropriate intensity, the data is not truly correct when later verified in the execution of the training In each of the zones, he decided to use a variant of the staggered 3x200 or 3x400 and likewise, the data found does not correspond to the training zones.
In my training practices I have used a broader session to evaluate the training zones of my swimmers and I have found that the protocol 12x100 Zone I+8x100 Zone II+4x100 Zone III together with the verification through Polar that validated the zones of behavior according to heart rate and with the observation of other physiological factors that is more efficient when measuring Lactate at the end of each of the zones and then checking in the other sessions the efficiency of the data with the true individual training zones.
The use of this test with the Triton platform allows me to evaluate the depth of the technique used by the swimmer with tools that many coaches and swimmers do not use and that truly limit the performance of each one of them.
This comprehensive test guarantees to achieve the true training zones by checking the depth of training and its relationship with heart rate and to this is added a very complete biomechanical diagnosis.
La informacion cientifica sobre el uso de las mediciones de Lactato para conseguir las verdaderas zonas de entrenamiento en Natacion son inmensas y uno de los test mas validados es el Test Escalonado de Madder donde se consigue la curva exponencial de la velocidad de nado con referencia al comportamiento del Lactato y de los resultados se infieren las zonas de entrenamiento de cada nadador de acuerdo a la informacion de que 4 mmol/l es el umbral aerobico del metabolismo de la energia.
En los ultimos meses producto de que el protocolo para 8x100, 8x200 y 4x400 las mediciones de Lactato son numerosas y a veces los nadadores no movilizan al no correr o nadar a la intensidad adecuada los datos no son verdaderamente correctos al verificar posteriormente en la ejecucion del entrenamiento en cada una de las zonas decidi utilizar una variante del escalonado de 3x200 o 3x400 y al igual no corresponde los datos encntrados con las zonas de entrenamiento.
En mis practicas de entrenamiento he utilizado una sesion mas amplia para evaluar las zonas de entrenamiento de mis nadadores y he encontrado que el protocolo 12x100 Zona I+8x100 Zona II+4x100 Zona III unido a la comprobacion a traves de Polar que me valido las zonas del comportamiento segun la frecuencia cardiaca y con la observacion de otros factores fisiologicos que es mas eficiente al medir el Lactato al finalizar cada una de las zonas y despues comprobar en las demas sesiones la eficiencia de los datos con las verdaderas zonas de entrenamiento individual.
La utilizacion de este test con la plataforma de Triton me permite evaluar la profundidad de la tecnica utiizada por el nadador con herramientas que muchos coaches y nadadores no utilizan y que verdaderamente limitan la performance de cada uno de ellos.
Este test de forma integral garantiza conseguir las verdaderas zonas de entrenamiento comprobando con la profundidad del entrenamiento y su relacion con la frecuencia cardiaca y a esto se le suma un diagnostico biomecanico muy completo.
These are the main data collected by this Protocol for the final report of each swimmer where the following aspects will be evaluated:
The training zones for aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism, defining the swimming speed for each of them in m/s or y/s, the passage time for the different training distances in 0:00.0 minutes and seconds.
The evaluation of DPS and SWOLF as well as the time and speed overwater and underwater and the time of transition in the turns.
Evaluation throughout the course of the heart rate test and its relationship with lactate mobilization for the three zones.
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